Discover the new travel #App #FieldTrip!

+Field Trip, a mobile App created by Google, localizes you and offers you tips, stories and information about what surround you (restaurants, buildings, monuments, etc).
  • Great for travelers who do not know the city
  • But also for locals who think they know all the secrets of their city
The thing about FieldTrip is that you don't have to ask for the information but the info is given to you!
Also, this App does not disconnect you from the world but, on the contrary, digital links you to the "real world".
Finally, Fieldtrip uses the algorithm of Google Search to analyze what kind of information would be relevant for you.
This project has been imagined by John Hanke, the creator of Earth Viewer, later recalled Google Earth.
Read more. 
See also the Niantic Project by Google.

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